Appeal number APP/C2708/W/15/3134174 and planning application number 66/2015/15334 OUTLINE delegated authority refused 3 June 2015 50 new houses, associated access and landscaping.
The site has been the subject of several attempts to develop since the 1980's. Residents and CPRE have objected but the applicant keeps on coming back! This time the application is for 50 houses. The deadline for comments to the Planning Inspectorate is the 6th of November. CPRE will make a response. Not only does the proposal jeopardise the gap between two villages but it risks joining up two counties in built form.
For further information see the Sutton-in-Craven village web site and forum.
Council’s rationale for refusal
1. The proposed development would compromise the gap between Sutton in Craven and Eastburn and would constitute large scale development beyond the settlement boundary which would be harmful to the landscape character of the area .and the approach to Sutton. In terms of the presumption in favour of sustainable development it is considered that the adverse impact in relation to the individual character and identity of the settlements, their overall character and appearance and that of the area generally would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits when assessed against the policies in the NPPF taken as a whole.
2. The application site exceeds 1 hectare and although the site is in Flood Zone 1 no flood risk assessment has been carried out in accordance with the technical guidance to the NPPF. In the absence of such an assessment the Local Planning Authority cannot be satisfied that the proposed development would not cause unacceptable flood risk.