The registered charity is the Campaign to Protect North Yorkshire Branch (CPRENY). We cover the whole of the county of North Yorkshire. Our President is the Lord Crathorne and our Chair Jules Marley. The Branch is governed by the trustees of CPRENY. We operate seven days a week, 52 weeks of the year, relying upon volunteers to donate their time freely to campaign to protect our North Yorkshire countryside. The Branch has several sub committees operating locally, all of which report and are accountable to the Branch. Those committees, known as districts are part of the County Branch. Our focus is to protect and enhance North Yorkshire and to ensure we have the right kind of development in the right place at the right time. Nothing more, nothing less!
Many years ago, the CPRE structure in North Yorkshire was made up of several independent charities. However, in the late 1990s this changed to create one CPRE North Yorkshire. You may see references to District Branches which may be confusing. As we work to create a clearly structured group, complying with our national charity which is made up of over 40 Branches, the term District Branches is being removed.
Our local committees provide valuable local knowledge and information to enable the charity to campaign effectively. We operate from Parish to Parliament.
If you wish to know more about joining us or are a member of the press contact or telephone CPRE North Yorkshire on 01729 850567.