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CPRE North Yorkshire

The Branch looks ahead

Monday, 12 September 2016 12:45

The Hellifield Flashes - site fiercely protected by CPRE and Save our Craven Countryside The Hellifield Flashes - site fiercely protected by CPRE and Save our Craven Countryside Photo: © Roger Haffield

CPRE North Yorkshire is run entirely by volunteers who give their time, expertise and commitment freely to the charity.  We work to protect over 3200 square miles of North Yorkshire,  that includes:  TWO National Parks, THREE AONB's, HUNDREDS of conservation areas, THIRTY-TWO miles of heritage coastline, TENS OF THOUSANDS  of heritage assets and HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of acres of agricultural land.  It's a diverse landscape ranging from the gently rolling green dales to the brooding moors on to a dramatic coastline with a heritage covering the breadth of British history including Roman times, Viking times and the industrial revolution. We respond to threats from planning policies or applications that put our countryside, market towns and rural villages in danger.   We campaign for the right kind of development in the right place at the right time for the right reasons. We need a living, working countryside, not a museum or a theme park. We promote a common sense approach to planning based on objective reasoning and well researched policies.   We're trying to give as much help to as many people as we can.  That's what charities do!

2016/2017 goals identified.

Following a successful AGM held on the 5th of September, CPRE North Yorkshire has highlighted the key aims for the forthcoming 2016-2017 period. They are as follows:

© CPRE | The North Yorkshire Branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England CIO. 


Tel: 07983088120 

CPRE North Yorkshire, PO BOX 189, YORK, YO7 9BL

Registered charity number: 1174989