Harrogate District is the most populous area in North Yorkshire and is based on the town of Harrogate.This is one of many communities in the area which includes the historic centres of Ripon and Knaresborough together with the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Beauty.
The small Harrogate District group has had to deal with a continuing flow of often contentious planning applications. In addition the group has participated in responding to the first Consultation Stage of the Harrogate District Local Plan the next stage of which is expected in July or August.
Amongst the many planning applications being handled successes in rebutting these have been limited and have been restricted to the Planning Committee stage. Initial refusal of an application for 73 homes at Nidd Hall Farm, Killinghall led to hopes of success at appeal but this was turned down at the resulting Planning Inquiry.
It is hoped that greater success will be obtained in the case of an application for 430 homes at West Lane, Ripon where again the initial refusal has been referred to appeal. There are a number of separate grounds put for forward for initial refusal and the results of the developers’ appeal is awaited. A slightly revised application for 390 homes has also been lodged against which there has also been a CPRE objection.
Another noteworthy case relates to the proposed construction of 165 homes on ground at Cornwall Road, Harrogate. In landscape terms this is a particularly contentious site on the open edge of Harrogate adjoining a nature reserve. This has however been referred to appeal on grounds of non-determination.
Another issue facing Harrogate District relates to the publication of proposed routes for relief roads around Harrogate. Although these routes remain to be clarified they will undoubtedly cause much devastation to the landscape and countryside in this area without necessarily achieving the desired aims.
The local branch will continue to resist developments in undesirable locations whilst appreciating that there is an ongoing need to provide an adequate supply of affordable homes. Further developments regarding the draft Local Plan will also continue to be monitored.