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CPRE North Yorkshire


Wednesday, 14 March 2018 14:39

Harrogate Planners have notified CPRENorth Yorkshire that the application to build 80 dwellings has been refused. 

The reasons are below, CPRE North Yorkshire worked with Hampsthwaite Action group to object to the development in this beleaguered village

PROPOSAL: Outline application for the erection of up to 80 dwellings with access considered (access from Rowden Lane for consideration only) and the reservation of land for a potential medical facility. LOCATION: Land Comprising OS Field 7018 Rowden Lane Hampsthwaite North Yorkshire CASE NUMBER: 17/05580/OUTMAJ

1 The proposed development by reason of its location will result in a significant

encroachment into the surrounding rural landscape to Hampsthwaite unsympathetic to the

existing settlement edge of the village and harmful to both the setting of the Hampsthwaite

Conservation Area and the amenity of the public right of way that crosses the site contrary

to Policies EQ2 and SG4 of the Harrogate District Core Strategy and Saved Policies C2,

HD3 and R11 of the Harrogate District Local Plan.

2 The proposed development by reason of the works needed to achieve a visibility splay of

2.4m x 120m to the south as required by the Local Highway Authority would result in the

felling of trees which contribute to the character of amenity of Rowden Lane and that

approach to the village of Hampsthwaite contrary to Saved Policy HD13 of the Harrogate

District Local Plan and Policies EQ2 and SG4 of the Harrogate District Core Strategy.


© CPRE | The North Yorkshire Branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England CIO. 


Tel: 07983088120 

CPRE North Yorkshire, PO BOX 189, YORK, YO7 9BL

Registered charity number: 1174989