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CPRE North Yorkshire

Kirby Hill Harrogate again....

Sunday, 01 April 2018 09:00

In November 2017 CPRENorthYorkshire objected to the principle of development regarding an application at Kirby Hill in the Harrogate area.  As seems to be the trend, the developer has come back with an outline application reducing the number of houses - we objected to the principle of developing this land! 80, 50, 30 makes no difference on this site, outside development limits and in an area where:


“After public inquiries in 2003 and 2010, the Secretary of State concluded that the landscape to the north of Kirby Hill cannot assimilate large-scale development and that such proposals would be contrary to the Harrogate District Landscape Character Assessment. The site options north of Kirby Hill which were identified at consultation stage have therefore quite correctly been excluded from this map. If they were included, the Local Plan would be in conflict with the Council's own planning policy framework and could be challenged by the local community at Public Inquiry.”

Our current and previous comments are attached.


© CPRE | The North Yorkshire Branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England CIO. 


Tel: 07983088120 

CPRE North Yorkshire, PO BOX 189, YORK, YO7 9BL

Registered charity number: 1174989