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CPRE North Yorkshire

CPRENorthYorkshire bombarded with requests for help from Scackleton!

Thursday, 07 June 2018 13:52

CPRENorthYorkshire bombarded with requests for help from Scackleton!

This inappropriate or perhaps unlawful development has caused massive outrage in such small village in the Howardian Hills, we have been contacted on numerous occasions by members of the public asking for our help.

We contacted Ryedale District Council who responded swiftly.

They informed us that:


On Friday the Council exercised power under Section 171E of the Town and Country Planning Act and served a temporary stop notice (TSN) on the abovementioned land to require the immediate cessation of the following activities considered to be a breach of planning control:-

• Laying of stone/hardstanding to form access and parking area within field
• Excavation of trench/drainage run for services and additional hardstanding (approx. 30m by 5m)
• Construction of wooden structure referred to as a ‘dog kennel’ and associated compound

The TSN was served on the registered landowner and the occupier/developer and lasts for 28 days. A notice has also been posted at the site entrance. The occupier has been advised that no works requiring planning permission should take place while the TSN is in place. The water connection and overland pipe within the site and any Yorkshire Water engineering works within the highway verge would not be considered a breach of the TSN but any further hardstanding or buildings/structures within the site, beyond that which were observed and recorded on Friday afternoon, would be considered a breach. Any associated non- planning control related works are done so at the risk of the landowner/occupier/developer.

A number of local residents and the Parish Council are keeping us informed of any progress that they notice on the site and we will be making visits during the next 28 days to check.

An update will be provided to members of our Planning Committee this evening. The update will cover this TSN and also the situation in relation to the mobile unit and the need for further enforcement action will be considered.


© CPRE | The North Yorkshire Branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England CIO. 


Tel: 07983088120 

CPRE North Yorkshire, PO BOX 189, YORK, YO7 9BL

Registered charity number: 1174989