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CPRE North Yorkshire

A focus on trustees!

Friday, 22 June 2018 16:01

A focus on trustees!

An introduction to one of our trustees! Katie Atkinson


Each one of CPRENorthYorkshire brings professional skills to the board.  We start our intoduction with Katie Atkinson who joined us in January this year - and you'll see from her biography that we are very lucky to have her.  Katie works closely with the chair of the charity and each week they hold "Operations calls'.

This has moved the charity away from the old days where matters whent three months before being addressed!  We are always monitoring activity - good and bad in the county.  


Katie graduated from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne with a BA (Hons) degree in Town Planning in 2003. Having then undertaken a Professional Post Graduate Diploma in Town Planning in 2005, which was accredited by the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI), she became a full Member of that organisation in 2007, completing her MA in Town Planning later that year.

With a keen passion for the protection of the environment, Katie always felt that she would pursue a career in that arena.

Katie has accumulated a considerable breath of knowledge and experience in the planning and development field having held several senior positions within Local Planning Authorities in England and Scotland - both in Planning Policy and Development Management Teams, including within a Minerals Planning Authority, alongside working in both the private and charitable sectors and also for the Environment Agency. Katie decided to start her own private consultancy ‘KVA Planning Consultancy’ in 2013, following a move to Helmsley in North Yorkshire. 

Since that time, Katie has been involved with a number of planning projects representing individuals, charities and local interest groups and has represented several Local Authorities at contentious planning appeals acting as an Expert Witness. Katie’s aim is to support the most appropriate development in the most appropriate locations and is not afraid to object to those proposals which are not in conformity with both the national and local policy framework. Katie is based in the North of England but frequently travels across the country.

Areas of work include: responding to emerging Local Plan consultations; residential and employment land applications (including the provision of affordable / low-cost homes); agricultural developments; renewable energy proposals; mining developments; proposals for new major infrastructure projects; proposals which may impact upon Heritage Assets (both designated and not); major developments in National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty; and, enforcement appeals.

Katie has also been at the forefront of the emerging onshore high volume hydraulic fracturing industry (fracking) since December 2015 and represents several high-profile clients including having defended several Mineral Planning Authorities decision to refuse applications at Planning Inquiries.

In her personal time, Katie is Mum to two growing boys and spends most of her weekends acting in a taxi-driving capacity taking them to various sporting fixtures and enjoys Ballroom and Latin dancing, playing netball and reading.

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© CPRE | The North Yorkshire Branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England CIO. 


Tel: 07983088120 

CPRE North Yorkshire, PO BOX 189, YORK, YO7 9BL

Registered charity number: 1174989