The countryside is fun because it’s beautiful...
“Don’t forget to drink some tea!"
Nature? History? Food? North Yorkshire’s got the lot!
North Yorkshire - and its finest beaches galore!!
So quiet, you can hear the leaves falling!!
'Make your way to North Yorkshire, don’t delay!' says Caroline of Helmsley CP School
Paige's beautifully written story about North Yorkshire.
Poppy would love to ride the dinosaur ride next time.
Poppy loved her trip to Lightwater Valley and can't wait to go back with her family.
Alvin from Montessori loves Fish & Chips as a treat!
Our North Yorkshire children love Fish & Chips as a treat! So many of them write about trips to Whitby on the heritage coastline.
It’s full of history from Captain Cook and the Endeavour to Bram Stoker’s Dracula There are two festivals inspired by Whitby’s literary history in Spring and Hallowe’en.
Whitby is part of the Scarborough Council local authority area. This famous town lies in the North East of our county and it’s close to Heartbeat country.
Alvin loved his summer visit to Whitby and his story tells it all….
for more information on Alvin’s summer holiday destination!
Schools writing competition 2018
The Wharfedale Montessori School at Bolton Abbey in the Yorkshire Dales has entered CPRENorthYorkshire’s writing competition.
We have three entries from this small school nestling in the woods at the side of the Strid.
Entries for this years competition are now closed.
The winners and winning school will be announced in January.