CPRE North Yorkshire

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Trustee meetings

CPRE North Yorkshire Trustee meetings for 2019


2019 Trustee meetings scheduled is as follows:

  • 8th October 2019
  • 14 Januarry 2020
  • AGM 16th May 2020 at the Rural Arts Centre. Details to be confirmed. 


All meetings will take place at the Rural Arts Centre in Thirsk unless otherwise stated. 

Trustee Meetings are not open to members however the afternoon session is open to members who wish to come along to discuss planning issues -  booking is essential as numbers are limited.      

Please book via info@cprenorthyorkshire.co.uk / 07983088120                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

The Trustee meeting is a closed meeting and the open afternoon session starts at 1.15pm. Booking is essential. 

The afternoon session is open to members who wish to come along - however booking is essential as numbers are limited.  


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