Your legacy, no matter what the amount, will help us ensure that developments are sensitive to the countryside, and that housing sprawl is kept in check. With your help, there will be a green, tranquil and beautiful England for tomorrow's children to enjoy.
"The English countryside is an exceptional creation - immensely old, full of surprises and nearly always pleasing to look at. For me, the countryside represents so much of what makes life worth living but how much of it will be left for future generations to enjoy?" - Bill Bryson, CPRE Vice President
With the advice of a solicitor, writing a will or changing it in order to include a gift to CPRE is very simple. Your will need our charity number 500333 and our address: Bendgate House, Long Preston, Near Skipton, BD23 4QR
For more information on leaving a legacy to CPRE, please contact:
George Shelley
Telephone: 020 7981 2855
Freepost Plus RTCK-UBXX-BBCR
5 – 11 Lavington Street