CPRE North Yorkshire

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Parish Council, residents and CPRE working in harmony

Friday, 06 November 2015 18:12

CPRE Craven has worked closely with residents of Sutton-Craven who contacted the charity for support.  

The CPRE response to the latest appeal was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate on the 6th November 2015.  The response focusses on the important gap between Sutton-in Craven in North Yorkshire and Eastburn in West Yorkshire.  

The application site, should approval be given, would take development up to the West Yorkshire border placing the responsibility to maintain the important gap between settlements on Bradford Planning authority.  

Volunteers from Craven CPRE researched the application in depth, visited the site and liaised closely with residents.  Fingers are now crossed, it is all in the hands of the Planning Inspectorate now........

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