CPRE North Yorkshire

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Harrogate District at work: 15/05163/OUTMAJ (Land off Corwall Road, Harrogate)

Sunday, 17 April 2016 14:39

The Harrogate District of CPRE North Yorkshire have, following requests from local people, commented on the following application:  15/05163/OUTMAJ (Land off Corwall Road, Harrogate) for 165 houses.

The main reasoning behing the objection is:  

The proposed development would cause significant harm to the form and identity of the local area and to the landscape character, by extending the built form of the town into open countryside resulting in loss of character, contrary to policies SG4 and C1of the Core Strategy, saved policies HD20, HD13, HD3, C2, C9 and R11 (?) of the Harrogate District Local Plan and the terms of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Following extensive research and liaison with local residents, the Acting Chair of Harrogate (soon to be the chair of the district we hope), submitted an excellent objection to this application where the harm outweighs the perceived benefits.

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