CPRE North Yorkshire

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Long Coarser, Sandbeck Richmondshire

Wednesday, 27 April 2016 07:49

CPRE North Yorkshire were contacted by residents in the area to ask for our help regarding an application to build more holiday lodges in Richmondshire. We weighed the harm of the proposal against the benefits and came to the conclusion that in this instance, the harm outweighs any perceived benefits.

CPRE North Yorkshire has serious concerns regarding the number of holiday lodge/caravan home parks and developments appearing across the country specifically within North Yorkshire. Many begin their life using tourism/holiday use as the principle for development and morph into back door housing or second homes in parts of our countryside where development would not normally be permitted. CPRE North Yorkshire believes the key concern is that lodge, park, trailer homes in the open countryside are threat to the character and appearance of the local countryside which impacts adversely on the very tourism they purport to service. We have been contacted by local residents who have expressed concerns regarding this application. The local Parish Council, the first tier of local government object. We note that the one letter of support relating to the application uses the holiday development at Westfield and states that this is a precedent for approval of this development, a point upon which we disagree. The Westfield site is removed from this application site and therefore cannot be considered as a precedent to develop this particular area. We have examined the files and liaised with local people who contacted our organisation and weighed up the perceived benefits of this application against the potential for harm on the local countryside. It is our conclusion that The proposal would have an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the local countryside introducing lodge homes, associated roads and buildings to service the lodges which would be discordant with the local countryside. The site site outside the village creating development in between settlements. The proposal would create light pollution and a loss of night skies in a rural setting The proposal would present a loss of tranquillity in a rural area. We are informed that the access road whilst a minor road is narrow and ‘twisty’ and used as a ‘rat-run’ between Richmond and Catterick Garrison. Traffic data illustrates there are a number of vehicles using the road in excess of 45mph which in terms of using the site as holiday use presents the potential for accidents and in terms of using the site for housing such as this attracts a more aged demographic, also presents a risk. It is our view that the development is unsustainable. CP3 4.3.2 illustrates that development in the open countryside needs to enhance as well as protect biodiversity, natural habitats, the historic environment and landscape and townscape character. Reports have been sent to CPRE NY illustrating the presence of badger setts and otters. We submit that this proposal fails to enhance and endangers natural habitats, biodiversity and landscape.

The creation of 12 month occupancy lodge, tailer and park home sites has the potential to create a new type of housing category which falls under the radar. As with a site in Craven District, where a site provides accommodation for 46 weeks of the year, they present a rise in residents which is not factored in to an authorities data. The fact that these sites provide ‘primary’ housing (albeit another address can be used to qualify to live on these sites) which appeals or in some cases is restricted to over 55’s impacts on the demographics of our rural areas. 12 month occupancy of holiday lodges indicates either second homes or permanent residency in an area of countryside where planning for housing would not normally be granted CP8 Achieving Rural Sustainability In all cases, development should respond to climate change and be designed to be sustainable, consistent with the requirements of Core Policies CP2 and CP3; should not conflict with landscape character, amenity, environmental protection or nature conservation policies of the plan but should seek to enhance the environment; and should provide any necessary mitigating or compensatory measures to address harmful implications. It is our view that the proposal conflicts with landscape character and fails to enhance the environment. We believe that in addition to the failure of the proposal as sustainable development it is contra to policy CP10 of Richmondshire’s Core Strategy, an excellent document that illustrates the recognition of the countryside and it’s value by the Authority. CP10 states In rural areas, new tourist accommodation, including the location of caravans (static and touring), chalet accommodation and camp sites, should be small scale, low key and low impact, and will only be supported in the countryside if it does not adversely affect the character and appearance of the area, taking account of the capacity of the site and local area to absorb the development. CPRE supports sustainable tourism initiatives where the environment, landscape and biodiversity are enhanced and protected. The stunning countryside of Richmondshire is one of the key reasons tourists flock to the area. That countryside is dependent upon farming for its maintenance. Any unnecessary loss of agricultural land should be avoided. Taking into account all the aims and policies of the Richmondshire Core Strategy and the NPPF and weighing up perceived benefits against the harm posed by this development we respectfully request that this application be refused.

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