CPRE North Yorkshire

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City of York Draft local plan out for consultation - for residents of the York District

Monday, 25 July 2016 17:33

City of York Local Plan      Preferred Sites Consultation

The data in the revised draft local plan does indicate that the planners have recognised some of  the concerns expressed during the discussions on the previous aborted plan. The undertaking  to focus development on brownfield land and protect the Green Belt would appear to be honoured. Nevertheless the plan forecasts a need to allocate land and build nearly 17,000 additional houses over the Plan period.

The CPRE York & Sely District response to the preferred sites consultation is attached


The publication of the portfolio of preferred sites gives an opportunity to register again any concerns about proposals in your area to allocate land for housing or employment purposes

CYC staff  have analysed each site against set criteria and published their conclusions  in detailed appendices currently available to the public.  

The scale of the proposals means CPRE does not have the capacity or knowledge to respond on specific sites. 

We would therefore urge Parish Councils and members to get involved and :-

  • Study any proposals for their areas – details available at local libraries
  • use their knowledge of individual sites  to check the accuracy of the data used
  • Respond to CYC Planning & Environment Team and correct errors, challenge inaccurate Technical Officers Assessments and register their views.
  • Please send a copy to fpater30@gmail.com and CPRE will  endorse your observations in their formal submission to the City of York Planners.

Once a site is included in the adopted plan it is virtually approved in principle for development at any time in the future. It is therefore vital to register your comments with CYC before the consultation ends on 2nd September 2016.



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