CPRE North Yorkshire

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Hellifield Flashes under threat again.....

Monday, 03 October 2016 10:09

Hellifield Flashes under threat for over twenty years Hellifield Flashes under threat for over twenty years Roger Haffield SOCC

Looks like the problems of Hellifield are about to reemerge.  CPRENY has been informed that a public consultation will take place in the village on the 13th of October where plans for the Flashes will be presented.  

Villagers have been objecting to development of this site for twenty years.  The site all based on the abandoned by pass scheme and the development of a railway heritage centre,  wool and sheep exhibition centre has dogged the village for two decaded.  The local Save OUR Craven Countryside group which is a member of CPRE is organising information for local people.  If you need further updates write to cprecraven@me.com and your mail will be forwarded to the group.  Updates will be tweeted from @CPRENY


Read the attached article about the inadequacies of the UK planning system 


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