CPRE North Yorkshire

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In the Scarborough authority area

Thursday, 30 March 2017 06:57


Local Residents report that this application has been recommended for approval by SBC   The same developer obtained planning permission in a nearby village with a promised quote of 25% affordable only to be... yes you've already guessed ... reduced to 5% affordable withn weeks of the planning being approved 

An application was lodged this week to build 241 dwellings with access, public open space and strategic landscaping on land to the north of Beacon Road Seamer.  To view details of the application on Scarborough Borough Council's website please click on the following link and enter 17/00452/FL in the Search Box. The link is: http://planning.scarborough.gov.uk/online-applications/ 

The Seamer Parish Council will meet at 7 pm on the 11th of April to discuss this.  CPRE have been contacted by local residents asking for help with their objection to this large application.  We wrote to Scarborogh Borough Council asking for an extension to comment due to work load across the county.  This was not acceptable to the council therefore, we will be working round the clock AGAIN to read through the large number of files along with the planning inspectors comments on the SBC local plan.

To the local residents who contacted CPRENY - we are working to support you and will meet the deadline!



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