CPRE North Yorkshire

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Common sense prevails.....

Sunday, 10 September 2017 07:15

Scarborough councillors reject plans for a "holiday complex" at Sandsend that would destroy irreplaceplaceable ancient woodland and adversely affect wildlife in the area.


The complex would have created 64 forest lodges, 64 apartments and 64 cottages as well as restaurant, swimming pool, tennis court, creche and a shop -  another self contained community.

Whitby is full of guest houses, hotels, shops and restaurants and the area has plenty of small holiday complexes to ensure the success of TOURISM ie people visiting the area and spending their tourist pounds in local restaurants and shops.

These large scale applications which impact adversely on the countryside need to carefully examined.  They are creating self contained settlements that change the countryside completely.

We know that this will be appealed - aren't they all but well done Scarborough councillors who went against officer recommendation.

Will the same happen in Hellifield over the other side of our county where 300 lodges, ah hotel, swimming pool, cinema tennis courts and parking for hundreds of cars are being applied for - on open countryside, next to a National Park, partially within two conservation areas, on a site once recommended as a SINC or site of the nature conservation and hope to colonies of the great crested newt?

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