This is the second litter pick of the year and members filled a pick up truck with rubbish - rubbish that people or humans who live on the planet have simply thrown into the verges and hedgerows.
Bruce McCleod the member in charge of litter projects organised the event with 11 adults and three under fours combing the hedgerows! As usual, we cleared the invevitable sports drinks bottles along with discarded gin and whisky bottles, beer cans and drink cans. On the unusual front this time were one pair of very old fashioned underpants, a vent for a tumble dryer, a letter box and of course, tyres, carrier bags and crisp packets. The smaller volunteers learned from an early age that all this careless, thoughtless vandelism blocks watercourses and endangers wild life.
Most worryingly though, we found four contraptions for inhaling drugs in the hedgerow - apparently they are known as "bongs'.
Breakfast was provided for weary volunteers at the CPRE NY Chair's home and once again, a satisfying and enjoyable morning was had by all even though it was cold.
For coverage of our Branch's ongoing work with litter picks please see the coverage in the Yorkshire Post.