CPRE North Yorkshire

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Draughton - a small village in the Craven area

Saturday, 10 February 2018 11:23

Draughton is a small village between Addingham, Bolton Abbey and Skipton.  A application threatens the conservation area and for such a small settlement with no infrastructure, the harm clearly outweighs the benefits.

It's yet  another attempt in a conservation area.  We keep saying it, these heritage ASSETS are ASSETS for the people, for now and long into the future not for developers!

The local Parish Council contacted CPRENY asking for our help - which, once we had studied the application, we gave.

Update:  20 February:

We advised the Parish Council that Historic England should comment on this application.  They did and advised it would impact adversely on the Conservation area.  See Historic England comment on the planning web site.



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