CPRE North Yorkshire

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The Yorkshire Sacrifice Zone?

Tuesday, 14 August 2018 16:35

The future of our countryside doesn't depend on fracking - it depends on people


A recent "Op-Ed" in the Yorkshire Post has provoked quite a response! (See below for details)

We're campaigning to stop  Fast-Tracked Fracking - it's all all out assault of local democracy.

The Government has been driving fracking forward in the face of massive local and public opposition based on well reported environmental and health risks

If their new proposals are successful, they'll be able to force exploratory drilling and full scale fracking against the will of local communities and the wider public.  

The Government is showing a blatant disregard for local democracy and the concerns of general public and this must be stopped. 



https://takeaction.cpre.org.uk/page/27816/action/1?ea.tracking.id=home-carousel&_ga=2.25500477.1092693445.1535780177-1726472421.1535780169   https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/don-t-fast-track-fracking



In the responses to our Op-Ed in the Yorkshire Post some focussed on the assumption that if fracking worked in the US then naturally it would work in the UK!  That's one reason we met with a real life fracker to find out for ourselves!  Our fracker was of the firm opinion that there just wasn't room in the UK especially in North Yorkshire for fracking.  Interestingly many who were pushing for fracking whilst attacking the CPRE organisation whilst failing to acknowledge the facts and data provided.  Here's some more

The UK's GEOLOGY IS UNLIKELY TO SUPPORT FRACKING!  WHO SAYS SO? ProfessorJohn Underhill of HERRIOT WATT University (nb Herriot-Watt University is University of the Year 2018) To read more on this visit:  https://www.hw.ac.uk/about/news/the-uk-s-geology-unlikely-to-support.htm 

There are some interesting comments posted underneath our article.  They assume a) we're paid (if only!!!) -  we're volunteers and b) we didn't listen to experts before coming to an opinion!  

As per below, we invited a real fracker, a real expert to speak with us and help with understanding.  His words were clear, there just isn't room  to frack in North Yorkshire ... full stop.  

We also use qualified planning experts and base our policies on those coming from our national organisation in London! All CPRE policies are made following extensive and indepth consultation and investigation.  

see https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/opinion/jules-marley-fracking-will-be-kiss-of-death-for-rural-yorkshire-and-not-a-magic-wand-for-the-economy-1-9321568 in relation to an aritcle in the Yorkshire Post suggesting fracking would resuscitate the rural community in North Yorkshire!

In the face of such public opposition to fracking this was brave. 

As Chair of an environmental charity, I know only too well that each time you stick your head above the parapet on a contentious issue, the letter writers start and this is usually accompanied by personal abuse!

We are all entitled to opinion.  We should respect objective and reasoned debate whether we agree with the reasoned argument or not.

We agree with the letter writer that rural North Yorkshire certainly needs to be kept alive and thriving.

Fracking is not a  magic wand to be waved to achieve this.

The author's latest letter states that: 'Our dying rural economy is crying out to be resuscitated by fracking. The shale gas kiss of life would bring investment, jobs and money into host communities.'

Wrong, wrong wrong - rural business (and the clue is in the name) tend to focus on tourism, farming and associated business with a large smattering of small business operated from home.  

We believe that fracking will be the kiss of death to many rural businesses, fracking will actively damage the health of area and communities will suffer.

Our agricultural and agri-tourism industries need the incredible North Yorkshire countryside - they depend upon it. 

Tourists flock here from all around the  world to marvel at the North Yorks Moors, the heritage coastline, the Yorkshire Dales, our three Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, our beautiful market towns and historic cities.

Quite simply, there just ain’t enough room to manage everything. 

We haven’t got room  to build affordable homes, provide food and protect and enhance our valued and valuable countryside and then gobble up land for fracking (and executive homes)

It’s not just the land at the fracking sites that’s affected.  Most of our countryside lanes, bordered by dry stone walls or ancient hedgerows, were designed for the horse and cart. 

We have problems managing cars and caravans and even the influx of cyclists who flock to the area (nb we continue to welcome them in droves).   

When you add multiples (and let’s get it straight – hundreds of) large HGV’s into the mix, chaos and mayhem occurs.  

How many out there know that when the milk tanker is on the road, you either reschedule your trip or learn where the passing places are?

There’s also the public perception of fracking and ‘contamination by association’ to consider.

Would you holiday next to a fracking site? 

Would you take your children to a place where road safety is compromised by HGV’s? 

Would you risk buying milk from a dairy farmer who is situated next to a fracking site ‘just in case’ there has been some accidental discharge into soils which has worked its way through to adjacent agricultural fields?

These are all potential scenarios we've heard from concerned members of the public.


With regard to food production - advertising will never change to say 'grown in Yorkshire with pride next to a fracking site'.  If it did - would you buy?

Regardless of the countless arguments about fracking below ground, above ground the impact  of this kind of development is negative for both agriculture and agri-tourism.

It is negative for quality of life.

Everyone accepts we need more sustainable energy but what are we doing about managing the energy we have?

We’re told to recycle everything from paper to old phones and yet housebuilding still ramps on without super insulation (in the majority of cases) to make the best of what we have.   

So what is point of providing more energy that will simply disappear through poorly insulated homes? 

We need to address waste first - all waste.

To ensure we understood all about fracking (from a qualified expert as opposed to a 'self proclaimed expert'), we invited a former ‘fracker’ to talk to us. 

He'd successfully operated fracking sites in the US but is of the firm opinion that we just don’t have the room in this country for the full scale fracking operation which makes it financially viable!

Fracking is being thrust upon the county by people from outside the county. It’s no wonder the words ‘The Yorkshire Sacrifice Zone’ have been used by some commentators.

We need to stop, think and work out a compromise that is good for people for this generation and the next…. and the next.

Tourism in North Yorkshire is on the increase.  WHY?  Because it is stunning!  We need to value this and work out how to keep it alive and thriving.

CPRENorthYorkshire like the other 43 branches in our network of independent charities campaigns to protect and ENHANCE the countryside.

Where the harm outweighs any perceived benefits we say no. 


We believe that the harm presented by fracking in North Yorkshire outweighs the benefits.

The Government currently has two consultations running on fracking: 

  • should non-hydraulic exploratory drilling be treated as permitted development (i.e. not requiring planning permission – this is stage is often the most invasive in terms of HGV movements etc!); and,
  • should fracking be included into the Nationally Significant Infrastructure regime – thus taking the decision away from local authorities and letting the Government decide.

Have you commented on this consultation yet?  if not do so!  Contact info@cprenorthyorkshire.co.uk for more information and please, if you're pro-fracking visit a pro-fracking site but don't contact us!

We've listened, we've reasoned, we've considered and we're following the national CPRE line across the country.  




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