CPRE North Yorkshire

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Our former CEO Shaun Spiers has written a most useful book - How to Build Houses AND Save The Countyside.  We all know it's possible but Shaun puts it in writing for the world to see.  The dedication page states the following:


....ALSO for the Campaign to Protect Rural England's HEROIC volunteers and staff, standing up for the countryside.....

That you!  So thank you from CPRENOrthYorkshire for being a volunteers and keeping us informed about planning issues good and bad in your area.  Where would we be without you.  Please take a bow.... you deserve it and Shaun, thank you from all at CPRENorthYorkshire.




Published in Current news

CPRE delighted by deposit return announcement
Countryside campaigners celebrate as the Government announces the introduction of a deposit return system

The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) wholeheartedly congratulates the Government on its decision to introduce a nationwide deposit return system (DRS) for plastic and glass bottles, as well as aluminium cans. The introduction will help boost recycling rates and combat the plague of litter blighting our countryside. This is a watershed moment for recycling in the UK, given that similar systems around the world produce extremely high results.

Published in Current news

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