CPRE North Yorkshire

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Displaying items by tag: biodiversity - CPRE North Yorkshire

The Inspector asked for further comments in relation to the recent EIP of the Craven District Council local Plan, in particular the Hellifield Flashes and Local Green Space.  CPRENorthYorkshire have responded, supporting the findings of local people, one of who is a former planning inspector!

We await the Inspector's decision on this controversial area .....

Published in Current news
Monday, 14 May 2018 07:35

The Biodiversity SUPERHIGHWAY!

The BBC today reported that our verges need help!

CPRE have been campaigning on this issue for years.  The verges of England form part of something called the biodiversity super highway or a transport links for wildlife to improve and maintain connectivity of species.

Where safe, CPRENorthYorkshire litter picks our lanes and roadside verges however, we can't go near busy A road verges due to 'Elf and safety".    This vital transport link to keep species of wildlife and flora thriving is much neglected.  Not only is this major biodiversity trunk road threated with litter from cars and cyclers, it's hacked by councils creating more stress.  We need to make sure visibility is maintained on our roads but this can be done with edge cutting, not the entire removal of the natural verge!


Published in Current news

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