CPRE North Yorkshire

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Build where planning permission was approved ......

Thursday, 12 May 2016 13:58

Wind turbine built 79 metres from approved location

APP/C2708/C/16/3148384 (corrected)

Without Planning Permission The Erection And Installation Of A 250KW Wind Turbine With A Tip Height Of 45m, Concrete Base, Associated Cabling And Hardcore Access Track
West Thornber, Halton West, Skipton, BD23 4RS.

The enforcement action regarding the above has been appealed and as a considered organisation, our role is to respond objectively examining facts together with planning policy, precedent and planning law to the best of our ability.

However, the key words here are ‘without planning permission’. This is not a conservatory or a garage but a large scale 45 metre or 147 feet tall structure more than twice the size of the iconic, highly visible Angel of the North. It has associated access track and concrete base. To misplace such a structure accidentally by either 54 metres or 79 metres* is inconceivable at best and highly worrying at worst. If the construction location was an error then the safety of the structure is brought into question because it beggar’s belief that a large scale professional organisation could ‘get it wrong’.

Further more, if the incorrect siting of this turbine is accepted then it permits a circumvention of the planning system by accepting that the principle of a third turbine in the original location and sets a worrying precedent i.e. build where you prefer not where you should then appeal against enforcement.

The Appeal procedure is designed to ensure that where a procedural error or judgement has been made, then the system can ensure the right of appeal. however, when a large scale structure, objected to on the grounds that it will impact on the local landscape is placed in the WRONG place, the grave error belongs to the applicant.

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