Harrogate - Green Hammerton application
3000 dwellings at Green Hammerton - mixed use major application.
Almsford Bank Stables 65 dwellings
CPRENorthYorkshire consider that significant and demonstrable harm would occur to the locally valued landscape character of this location and to heritage assets (commented upon in the previous response) within the vicinity of the site should this proposal be approved, which would outweigh the benefits of providing additional dwellings. This is also supported by the fact that the Council chose not to allocate this site in their emerging Local Plan but preferred to maintain the development limits of the existing Local Plan at this location.
We have therefore, respectfully asked AGAIN that the application be refused.
Kirkby Hill Harrogate safe for now.....
Harrogate Borough Council have refused the application 17/04318/OUTMAJ at Kirkby Hill Harrogate
CPRENorthYorkshire are delighted that this application for 50 dwellings has been refused and were highly active (following requests from local people) in objecting to the proposeal and the revised scheme.
Marton cum Grafton in Harrogate district area under attack, CPRENorthYorkshire comments!
Following more letters and calls from more concerned residents in the Harrogate area, we have responded to two planning applications in this small village in one day!
Harrogate again - Almsford Stables Leeds Road 65 dwellings
Another application following the current trend of trying gain approval of sites through DM applications based on the lack of 5 year supply basis prior to the Examination in Public for the Harrogate district - this is another site which was considered by the council call for sites and then thrown out having been assessed by the SA!
A copy of our objection can be found below
Harrogate Planners have notified CPRENorth Yorkshire that the application to build 80 dwellings has been refused.
The reasons are below, CPRE North Yorkshire worked with Hampsthwaite Action group to object to the development in this beleaguered village
North Stanley, Harrogate - Scoping Opinion
CPRENY beleive that this site should be subject to an EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) and that the applicant should present the local authority with an appropriate Environmental Statement.
A P P L I C A T I O N W I T H D R A W N 29 MARCH 2018
CPRENY cares about Harrogate - Pannal 17/05595/OUTMAJ
Following concerns raised by local residents, CPRENY has examined the planning application at Whinney Lane and submitted their comment.
Will the current onslaught ever end? Harrogate is a beautiful place - which is probably why it is being targetted but once it has been destroyed by over development of large housing estates - will this beautiful town still be a thriving town surrounded by stunning countryside
Rowden Lane again in Hampsthwaite - CPRENY objects to the principle of development on this site
CPRENY have objected to an outline planning application in Hampsthwaite to build up to 80 dwellings in the conservation village near the Nidderdale AONB.
stop press .....REFUSED!
Mickley residents ask CPRENY for help
CPRENY were contacted last Thursday by concerned residents of Mickley in the Nidderdale AONB. We have investigated the planning application and commented.