CPRE North Yorkshire

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Displaying items by tag: Litter and flytipping - CPRE North Yorkshire

CPRE delighted by deposit return announcement
Countryside campaigners celebrate as the Government announces the introduction of a deposit return system

The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) wholeheartedly congratulates the Government on its decision to introduce a nationwide deposit return system (DRS) for plastic and glass bottles, as well as aluminium cans. The introduction will help boost recycling rates and combat the plague of litter blighting our countryside. This is a watershed moment for recycling in the UK, given that similar systems around the world produce extremely high results.

Published in Current news
Sunday, 02 April 2017 06:47

some of the team on April 1st 2017

Team 2 in action at the entrance to Skipton by Keelham Farm Shop.

Published in Current news

On Sunday 21 June 2015, members of the Craven District of CPRE North Yorkshire turned out to support the Yorkshire Post 'Clean Up Yorkshire' campaign. 

Published in Past events

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