CPRE North Yorkshire

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Displaying items by tag: the Yorkshire Sacrifice Zone - CPRE North Yorkshire
Tuesday, 14 August 2018 16:35

The Yorkshire Sacrifice Zone?

The future of our countryside doesn't depend on fracking - it depends on people


A recent "Op-Ed" in the Yorkshire Post has provoked quite a response! (See below for details)

We're campaigning to stop  Fast-Tracked Fracking - it's all all out assault of local democracy.

The Government has been driving fracking forward in the face of massive local and public opposition based on well reported environmental and health risks

If their new proposals are successful, they'll be able to force exploratory drilling and full scale fracking against the will of local communities and the wider public.  

The Government is showing a blatant disregard for local democracy and the concerns of general public and this must be stopped. 



https://takeaction.cpre.org.uk/page/27816/action/1?ea.tracking.id=home-carousel&_ga=2.25500477.1092693445.1535780177-1726472421.1535780169   https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/don-t-fast-track-fracking


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