CPRE North Yorkshire

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Relief roads to the north, west and east of Harrogate together with a possible Killinghall By-pass are currently being proposed. 
Although this may have some benefit in  redistribution of traffic,  the environmental cost will be enormous affecting large swathes of countryside including the Nidd Gorge and adjoining landscape.
Please share your views with the Branch at cprecraven@me.com
Tuesday, 07 March 2017 14:07

Big Win for Hellifield

Hellifield Flashes, on the boundary of the Yorkshire Dales National Park, next to two conservation areas, with watercourses linked to two SSSis and an important place for local people are under threat…

We should think seriously about a stategic, long term approach to land use to help address the challenges the country faces:  Shaun Spiers CPRE CEO March 2017

In other words we need to plan to use what we have wisely to meet our needs and those of our children and their children.....




Saturday, 04 March 2017 08:49

R&C Litter pick photographs!

Stuart White, who leads the work in the Redcar & Cleveland planning authority area is also the Vice Chairman of CPRE North Yorkshire.  The image shows this  dedicated, active volunteer brandishing a litter picker and leading his troops along the Cleveland Way.  CPRE campaign to protect and enhance ... and clean up rural England!


Members in Redcar & Cleveland met to Great British Spring Clean part of the Cleveland Way on March 2nd, they will be followed by Craven volunteers who are holding their annual litter pick on April 1st 2017.

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