CPRE North Yorkshire

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Sunday, 07 August 2016 08:46

Local Plans and light pollution

Are you preparing a comment for your local plan?  Don't forget to check the local authorities policies for light pollution and the protection of night skies.

Sunday, 07 August 2016 08:42

The carrier bag charge!

A poll shows that the public is behind the carrier bag charge as bag usage drops dramatically in England!  Those of you who organise clear up campaigns in your local area may already have noticed!

Sunday, 07 August 2016 08:30

Large Scale anaerobic digester proposals

We have noticed an increase in large scale anaerobic digester proposals across the county.

Saturday, 06 August 2016 08:14

Hutton Rugby - what's going on?

We are receiving comments from residents of Hutton Rugby threatened by development and the local plan proposals.

City of York Local Plan      Preferred Sites Consultation

The data in the revised draft local plan does indicate that the planners have recognised some of  the concerns expressed during the discussions on the previous aborted plan. The undertaking  to focus development on brownfield land and protect the Green Belt would appear to be honoured. Nevertheless the plan forecasts a need to allocate land and build nearly 17,000 additional houses over the Plan period.

The CPRE York & Sely District response to the preferred sites consultation is attached

The Branch voted yesterday to award Mrs Shirley Thubron an Honorary Membership.

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