CPRE North Yorkshire

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Monday, 15 October 2018 12:04

Almsford Bank Stables 65 dwellings

CPRENorthYorkshire consider that significant and demonstrable harm would occur to the locally valued landscape character of this location and to heritage assets (commented upon in the previous response) within the vicinity of the site should this proposal be approved, which would outweigh the benefits of providing additional dwellings. This is also supported by the fact that the Council chose not to allocate this site in their emerging Local Plan but preferred to maintain the development limits of the existing Local Plan at this location. 

We have therefore, respectfully asked AGAIN  that the application be refused.

The Conservation Area Appraisal for Marton cum Grafton sets out that “the view out of

the conservation area across the pond from the main road close to the south-east corner

of the site and property of Low Garth” – should be enhanced

Monday, 15 October 2018 07:36

Luke's North Yorkshire

Why I love North Yorkshire

by Lucas, Helmsley CP School in Ryedale

Come and visit the beautiful North York Moors which is filled with amazing plants and creatures!

Monday, 15 October 2018 06:20

Let's be clear about the housing shortage


Let's be absolutely clear about housing in this country and what the Campaign to Protect Rural Englands works for!

There IS an identified shortage of affordable and social housing, we all know this and accept it.  

There’s NO identified need for, or identified shortage of detached executive homes.

In the latest of our entries into the school's writing competition Henry tells us about his view of North Yorkshire which includes; Whitby, Sutton Bank, fish and chips and Flamingo Land.

CPRENorthYorkshire have responded to the latest consultation regarding the plans and policies for the outstandingly beautiful NorthYork Moors National Park.  A copy of our submission is available for download on this page.

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