CPRE North Yorkshire

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Tuesday, 07 November 2017 06:41

When is farming.... farming?

The application to create an industrial scale poultry "farm" in the York Green Belt rumbles on......

CPRENY used KVA Planning to prepare our response to the latest consultation by CYC with invaluable input and local knowledge from our highly effective team in the York and Selby area of CPRENY

Skipton Properties Hybrid application to build phase three of their housing estate in Settle is to be considered and decided on Monday by CDC Planning Committee - STOP PRESS - APPLICATION WITHDRAWN




Wednesday, 18 October 2017 06:08

Presentation of "A picture paints...."

At the special meeting of CPRENY on Monday 16th October, the winner of the 2018 'A picture paints...' competition was presented with her award!

Thursday, 21 September 2017 13:44

Did you know......

The number of carrier bags sold since the introduction of the 5p charge has plummeted by 83%!!

The meeting (quorate) approved the resolution to maintain the old charity number to ensure any payments received were not lost in the system!  This completes the last block in the move towards CIO status for CPRENY which is on track for commencement January 2018.

See the attached letter showing details of a meeting of the membership schdeuled for October 16 


Regional Chairs recently agreed to launch a Northern photogaphy competition.

Louise Sharp who lives north of Settle!

Sunday, 10 September 2017 07:15

Common sense prevails.....

Scarborough councillors reject plans for a "holiday complex" at Sandsend that would destroy irreplaceplaceable ancient woodland and adversely affect wildlife in the area.

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