CPRE North Yorkshire

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Friday, 09 February 2018 05:26

Working to protect and enhance the NYMNP....

In 2017 we lobbied the NYCC Highways regarding the need to protect the Ancient Green Lane from motorised vehicles - or  non-essential vehicles.

Monday, 05 February 2018 06:19

York Local Plan latest.....

In Planning Resource this week, the following was reported


Council facing Javid local plan intervention rejects extra housing allocations

It cannot be that one small settlement in Harrogate, near the Nidderdale AONB should be under such a sustained campaign by developers but.. it is.

Up date - August 2018!!!

The application was refused by Craven District Planners

In Ingleton the application to build on the greenfields  accessed from Back Gate next to Spring Cottage has emerged once again

Application 2018/188891/FUL (relating to application 45/2015/16500) has been validated by CDC is is currently out for consultation.

Following concerns raised by local residents, CPRENY has examined the planning application at Whinney Lane and submitted their comment.

Will the current onslaught ever end?  Harrogate is a beautiful place - which is probably why it is being targetted but once it has been destroyed by over development of large housing estates - will this beautiful town still be a thriving town  surrounded by stunning countryside 


CPRENY have objected to an outline planning application in Hampsthwaite to build up to 80 dwellings in the conservation village near the Nidderdale AONB.

stop press .....REFUSED!

Monday, 22 January 2018 13:10

oh goodness - and more in Harrogate

It's really no wonder we are working so much in the Harrogate area...

see the attached document from Harlow and Pannal Ash Residents Association from November last year!

Hampsthaite in Nidderdale lies on the south bank of the River Nidd.  It's just outside the AONB with the centre of the village a designated Conservation area and IT IS ALL UNDER THREAT!

We have three applications currently on going 



17/05580/OUTMAJ which is a re-submission 17/034357  refused in October last year 

An unprecedented number of people are contacting CPRENY for help in this area as well as the local residents action group.

It's currently a village which, if the current development trend continues might just be able to apply for TOWN status in the not too distant future!


CPRENY welcomed the opportunity to comment on three key aspects that the National Park Authority are considering for specific policies in the North York Moors National Park's emerging local plan.


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