CPRE North Yorkshire

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Displaying items by tag: craven district council - CPRE North Yorkshire

The Inspector asked for further comments in relation to the recent EIP of the Craven District Council local Plan, in particular the Hellifield Flashes and Local Green Space.  CPRENorthYorkshire have responded, supporting the findings of local people, one of who is a former planning inspector!

We await the Inspector's decision on this controversial area .....

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The Campaign for National Parks have today objected to the current application on the Hellifield Flashes 

see the attachment.

We are not alone in our objection and campaign to protect the Hellifield Flashes.  

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Saturday, 10 February 2018 11:23

Draughton - a small village in the Craven area

Draughton is a small village between Addingham, Bolton Abbey and Skipton.  A application threatens the conservation area and for such a small settlement with no infrastructure, the harm clearly outweighs the benefits.

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Up date - August 2018!!!

The application was refused by Craven District Planners

In Ingleton the application to build on the greenfields  accessed from Back Gate next to Spring Cottage has emerged once again

Application 2018/188891/FUL (relating to application 45/2015/16500) has been validated by CDC is is currently out for consultation.

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CPRE North Yorkshire has recently supported and endorsed the application by local group SOCC (Save OUR Craven Countryside) for a local green space designation for the Hellifield Flashes.

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Wind turbine built 79 metres from approved location

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