Crispin Truman to visit the Regional Group in Leeds!
The recently appointed CEO of our National Group will be the guest speaker at the Yorkshire & Humber Regional meeting on April 18th this year. All members are invited to attend and meet with our new CEO who replaced Shaun Spiers
David Rose, the former Regional Chair stepped into the role of Y&H Chair when Jules Marley stepped down in January 2018. The regional group is in good hands and David's experience and dedication to the charity both in North Lincolnshire and the region is outstanding.
Latest consultation re Craven's local plan... done
The latest comments from CPRENY re the slowly emerging local plan from Craven District Council were submitted yesterday ....
Sky news reports the NHS, Heritage and THE COUNTRYSIDE are what makes most people proud to be British
An Opininium Poll today announded that one of the three things that make people proud to be British is our countryside.
CPRENY continues to work to ensure that people can be pround of our outstanding North Yorkshire countryside and we campaign continually to protect and enhance our heritage ASSETS!
Draughton - a small village in the Craven area
Draughton is a small village between Addingham, Bolton Abbey and Skipton. A application threatens the conservation area and for such a small settlement with no infrastructure, the harm clearly outweighs the benefits.
Harrogate - Marton le Moor Service Station
Our local Harrogate Planning Warden alerted CPRENY to the proposal to build a motorway service station at Marton le Moor (18/00123/EIAMAJ). Having read the application fully, there is no doubt this the harm of this proposal outweighs the benefits.
Working to protect and enhance the NYMNP....
In 2017 we lobbied the NYCC Highways regarding the need to protect the Ancient Green Lane from motorised vehicles - or non-essential vehicles.