CPRE North Yorkshire

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Katie Atkinson - CPRE North Yorkshire
Katie Atkinson

Katie Atkinson

CPRE delighted by deposit return announcement
Countryside campaigners celebrate as the Government announces the introduction of a deposit return system

The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) wholeheartedly congratulates the Government on its decision to introduce a nationwide deposit return system (DRS) for plastic and glass bottles, as well as aluminium cans. The introduction will help boost recycling rates and combat the plague of litter blighting our countryside. This is a watershed moment for recycling in the UK, given that similar systems around the world produce extremely high results.

House of Lords Committee’s scrutiny of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 (NERC Act).

CPRE North Yorkshire welcomes the Committee’s report into the needs of rural areas – more must and has to be done to ensure that the needs of rural communities are championed. Cuts to Natural England’s budget and resources have, of course, had an impact on how effective the organisation is. But, it is vital that Natural England can be a strong voice to promote access to the countryside and to enhance our precious landscapes. The 25 year Environment Plan has many commitments whose success relies on a well-resourced Natural England.
The focus should be on positive solutions – and while there is definitely a need to raise the profile of rural issues, we do not think it would be helpful for ‘rural affairs’ to become part of the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government. We really must focus on how Government can ensure that Defra can be a stronger champion for the countryside.
Tuesday, 20 March 2018 09:28

NYMNP - stunning...

CPRENY have recently comment on an outline planning applicationon on land south of Bridge House Station, outside of Stokesley in the Hambleton area of North Yorkshire.  

We had no alternative but to object to this application because quite simply it is not in conformity with local and national planning policies and guidance.  We object to the principle of development on this site within the open countryside and highlight the fact the the site is nos not a preferred site as part of the council's evidence base for their emerging new Local Plan nor was this site allocatied as part of the current local plan......

Harrogate Planners have notified CPRENorth Yorkshire that the application to build 80 dwellings has been refused. 

The reasons are below, CPRE North Yorkshire worked with Hampsthwaite Action group to object to the development in this beleaguered village

A picture speaks a thousand words!

Monday, 05 March 2018 12:37

Harrogate Local Plan

CPRENY are finishing off their work on the Harrogate Local Plan Regulation consultation ready for submission tomorrow.

CPRENY beleive that this site should be subject to an EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) and that the applicant should present the local authority with an appropriate Environmental Statement.

A P P L I C A T I O N   W I T H D R A W N    29 MARCH 2018

Saturday, 03 March 2018 07:45

Fracking at Kirby Misperton - latest

Third Energy pulling out equipment....

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